Oh My Ghostess Episode 6 Quick Recap

Loving OMG so much. I am really glad that Soon Ae came back. She has amazing chemistry with Sun Woo. He is a tsundere but I love how he is obviously showing his affection and love for Bong Sun/Soon Ae. Episode 5 was so slow for me maybe because I wasn't used to seeing Bong Sun. But it does look like she will be more bright in the upcoming episode though *crossing my fingers* that she metamorphosizes into a more cheeful, confident lady. Quite ironic that her blogname is sunshine because her personality is the opposite. 
I am really shipping Soo Ae x Sun Woo. At least there's no love triangle for now right? *cough cough* like Who Are You. The real question is whether Sun Woo is falling for Bong Sun or Soon Ae. So far it looks like Soon Ae because they have spent the majority of the time and are stuck tgt like gum. But I'm not complaining. Their scenes are the best. You can really expect tvn to have the best on-scene kisses. Two kisses already and we are only on episode 6! I am all in love with this drama ^^ This is great considering that I didn't have high expectations for OMG. The dramas that I was expecting a lot from all turned out to be a letdown *cough cough The Time I Loved You* and *I Remember You* 


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