Update Post

I have been MIA for awhile. I won't be posting as much since I am working full time. 
I am so busy right now that I barely have time to watch dramas. Yesterday, I slept for 12 hours. It's not that my job is physically straining but it is mentally tiring. It's a somewhat ok job, but of course, I want a better job. 

So far, I am still watching Twenty Again (which I super duper love and I am sad to see that it is ending soon). Reply 1998 is going to take its place. I hope TVN doesn't disappoint. I am hoping that it is more similar to Reply 1997 than Reply 1994; I dropped Reply 1994 mid-way because it was so draggy, and the male lead was such a pussy.

Lastly, I will check out Sassy Go Go and maybe Glorious Temptation later on. 


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